
CBS Team

Team_Wulf-Peter Schmidt (002)

Dr. Wulf-Peter Schmidt

  • Stiftungsprofessur Technisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

  • E-Mail:

Lehrveranstaltungen an der CBS ? !
  • Sustainable Marketing & CSR Kommunikation

  • Smart City

  • Normative und Strategische Unternehmensführung

  • Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

  • Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen (2025)

  • Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung (2026)

  • Zukunftstechnologien

  • Kundenbezogene Prozesse

  • Digitalisierungsstrategien

Forschungs- und Beratungsschwerpunkte ? !
  • Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen (LCA, S-LCA, LCC)

  • Integrierte Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien in Unternehmen

  • Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung und Transformation

  • Integrative Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten

  • Nachhaltigkeitsgesetzgebung und -compliance

Ausbildung/Studium ? !

Studium Technischer Umweltschutz, Technische Universität Berlin. Abschluss 
Dipl-Ing 1,0

Promotion am Fachbereich Systemumwelttechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fleischer der 
TU-Berlin. Abschluss Dr.-Ing.

Promotionsthema: „Ökologische Grenzkosten der Kreislaufwirtschaft“ Abschluss 
„Mit Auszeichnung bestanden“

Tätigkeiten in Hochschulen ? !

U Berlin: Life Cycle Costing

RMIT (Melbourne), Assistant Professor: Design for Environment

HAW Hamburg: Vehicle Recycling

Tätigkeiten in der Wirtschaft ? !

Verschiedene Positionen in der Automobilindustrie, 26 Jahre bei den FordWerken, die letzten 10 Jahre als leitender Angestellter in der Position des 
europäischen Direktors „Sustainability, Advanced Regulations & Product 

Veröffentlichungen ? !

Schmidt, W.-P.: Solutions for sustainability challenges – Technical Sustainability Management 
and Life Cycle Thinking. Springer Nature (~230 pages, in production, September 2024)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Vertrauen verdienen. In: Verantwortung, No. 2, pp 54-57, FAZ Institute (2019)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Unterwegs zu nachhaltiger Mobilität, in: Corporate Responsibility 2015, ACC Frankfurt p 82-85

Schmidt W.P., Wallington T.J. (2014) Towards Sustainable Individual Mobility: Challenges and Solutions. In: Wellnitz J., Subic A., Trufin R. (eds) Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer, Cham, pp 161-168

Schmidt, W.-P.: Towards a sustainable vehicle development. In: Joerg Wellnitz, Aleksandar Subic, Martin Leary (Ed.): Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2010. Springer: Heidelberg 2010 pp 3-8

Schmidt, W.-P.; Morel, S.; Ruhland, K.; Krinke, S; Künne, B.: Feasibility of a globally harmonised Environmentally Friendly Vehicle concept. Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 53, 
Nos. 1/2, 2010

Schmidt, W.-P.: Schmidt, W. (2008), "Developing a Product Sustainability Index", in Measuring Sustainable Production, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Schmidt, W.-P.; Taylor, A.: Sustainable management of vehicle design. In: Int. J. Vehicle 
Design, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2008, pp 143-155 DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2008.017179

Dose, J.; Alonso, J. C.; Fleischer, G.; Rodrigo, J.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Greif, A.; Geragthy, K.: Electrical and Electronic Components in the Automotive Sector: Economic and Environmental Assessment. 12 LCA (5) 328-335. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2007)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index – Learnings for SCP indicators. Presentation. Third International Expert UN Meeting on the 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) for Sustainable Consumption and Production, 
Stockholm 26 – 29 June 2007, Sweden, 2007

Schmidt, W.-P.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Production and Competitiveness Workshop - Copenhagen (21-22 
June 2007, 2007 

Schmidt, W.-P.: The Business Case for Sustainable Design and Manufacture – Concept to Recycling. Workshop 29th – 30th of November 2006 at RMIT University, Melbourne

Schmidt, W.-P.: Managing Sustainable Product Development. Pp 133-139 in: M. Charter (Ed.), A Tukker (Ed.): Sustainable Consumption and Production – Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the Launch Conference of the SCORE Network. Refereed 
Session I; 23rd – 24th of November 2006, Wuppertal. 

Alber, S., Alonso, J.C. Eikelenberg, N., gleischer, G., Greif, A., Larranaga, M., Malaina, M., Poxhofer, R., Robson, A., Rodrigo, J., Sánchez, J. C., Schmidt, W.-P.: Workshop Session: SEES - Sustainable Electrical and Electronical System for the Automotive Sector. Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2006, International Symposium, Vienna, 13-16. November, 2006

Alonso, J. C., Eikelenberg, N., Fleischer, G., Greif, A., Larranaga, M., Poxhofer, R., Sánchez Lozano, J. C., Schmidt, W.-P.: Recycling and Design for Environment for Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems. Vehicle Recycling, International Conference, Munich, 18-19 October, 2006

Schmidt, W.-P.; Butt, F.: Life Cycle Tools within Ford of Europe's Product Sustainability Index. Case Study Ford S-MAX & Ford Galaxy. In: International Journal of LCA 11 (5), pp 315 - 322. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2006)

Schmidt, W.-P.; Taylor, A.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index. In: Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Leuven May 31st – June 2nd, pp 5 - 10. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: 2006

Greif, A.; Dose, J.; Fleischer, G.; Alonso, J.C.; Eikelenberg, N.; Maas, H.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Eco-Design of Automotive Electrical and Electronic System – The SEES Project. In: Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Leuven May 31st – June 2nd, pp 293-298. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: 2006

Ciroth, A.; Steen, B.; Trescher, Ch.; Hunkeler, D. (ed), Günther, E.; Spindler, E.; Huppes, G.; Hoppe, H.; James, K.; Lichtenvort, K. (ed.), Rebitzer, G. (ed.), Rüdenauer, I.; Nakamura, S.; Seuring, S.; Swarr, T.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Life Cycle Costing. (accepted for publication) Brussels: SETAC Europe, 2006. 

Kriegl, M.; Poxhofer, R.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Alonso, J.C.: Sustainable Electrical & Electronic System for the Automotive Sector – Dismantling Manuals for EES (SEES Public Deliverable D8). Public Research Report. Berlin: 2005.

Hunkeler, D.; Saur, K.; Rebitzer, G; Finkbeiner, M.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Jensen, A. A.; Stranddorf, H.; Christiansen, K. (all editors): Life Cycle Management. 104 pp. Brussels: SETAC Europe, 2004.

Rebitzer, G.; Ciroth, A.; Hunkeler, D.; James, K.; Lichtenvort, K.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Seuring, S: Economic Aspects in Life Cycle Management. In: Jensen, A.A. (ed.); Remmen, A. (ed.): Background Report for a UNEP Guide to Life Cycle Management –A bridge to sustainable products, pp 74-80. UNEP Life Cycle Initiative. Paris: UNEP, 2004.

Schmidt, W.-P.; Dahlqvist, E.; Finkbeiner, M.; Krinke, S.; Lazzari, S.; Oschmann, D.; Pichon, S.; Thiel, Ch.: Life Cycle Assessment of Lightweight and End-of-Life Scenarios for Generic Compact Class Passenger Vehicles. In: International Journal of LCA 9 (6), pp 405 – 416. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2004)

Rebitzer, G.; Ekvall, T.; Frischknecht, R.; Hunkeler, D.; Norris, G.; Rydberg, T.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Suh, S.; Weidema, B. P.; Pennington, D. W.: Life Cycle Assessment – Part 1: Framework, Goal & Scope Definition, Inventory Analysis, and Applications. Environment International, Vol. 30 (2004), Issue 5, pp. 701-721. Elsevier: (2004)

Alonso, J.C.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Fontanilles, J.: Recyclability Improvement of the Vehicle Electrical & Electronic System (F2004V026). FISITA 2004.- World Automotive Congress, 23-27 May, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.

Finkbeiner, M.; Krinke, S.; Oschmann, D.; Saeglitz, T.; Schäper, S.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Schnell, R.: Data Collection Format for Life Cycle Assessment of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). In: International Journal of LCA 8 (6), pp 379-381. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Life Cycle Costing as Part of Design for Environment – Environmental Business Cases. In: International Journal of LCA 8 (3), pp 167-174. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)

Quella, F.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development. The new ISO TR 14062. In: International Journal of LCA 8 (2), Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)

Rebitzer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment in the Automotive Sector with the Materials Selection Tool euroMat In: Gate to EHS: Life Cycle Management – Design for Environment, March 17th , 2003 pp 1-4. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)

Quella, F.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development. The new ISO TR 14062 – Part 2: Contents and Practical Solutions. In: Gate to EHS: Life Cycle Management – Design for Environment pp 1-7. Landsberg: ecomed publishers  (2003)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Ein klassisch vernetztes System, pp 32 – 33. In: Der Architekt. 11/02. Bonn: Rudolf Müller (2002)

Schmidt, W.-P.; Duranceau, Claudia; Sullivan, John: Sustainable Materials in Automotive Applications. Proceedings of the 2002 Environmental Sustainability Conference and Exhibition, SAE 2001-01-3762, pp 393 – 398, 2002

Schmidt, W.-P.; Sullivan, J.: The Value Debate: Weighting of Life Cycle Assessments in a Global Context: Global Diversity exists and has to be valued. International Journal of LCA 7 (4), p 250. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2002)

Schmidt, W.-P.; Sullivan, John: Weighting in Life Cycle Assessments in a Global Context. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7 (1), pp 5 – 10. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2002)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Strategies for Environmentally Sustainable Products and Services. In: Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 118-125 (2001)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Life Cycle Chain Management. In: LCM 2001 Copenhagen abstract book on the 1st international conference on LCM August 27-29, pp 97-100. Copenhagen 2001 

Schmidt, W.-P.: Case 5: Automotive Manufacturer. In: SETAC Working Group LCM: Life Cycle Management – Definitions, Case Studies and Corporate Applications. Preliminary edition. Lausanne August 2001.

Gottselig, B; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment / Recycling in automotive industry. International Workshop on Environmentally Conscious Metal Processing (ICEM-2001) 26th-28th August 2001, Aachen, Germany

Schmidt, W.-P.: Umwelt-Fehlermöglichkeiten- und Einfluss-Analyse. In: DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (Hrsg.) Umweltgerechte Produktentwicklung – Ein Leitfaden für Entwicklung und Konstruktion; S. 1-12. Beuth Verlag: Berlin, Wien Zürich, März 2001

Schmidt, W.-P.; Corley, M.: Ökologie bestimmt das Material. In: Automobil-Produktion, Dezember 2000 (14). S. 74-77, (2000)

Gottselig, B.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Experiences of implementing Design for Recycling - Design for Environment in automotive applications. In: Proceedings of the VDI/EKV Conference 15./16.November 2000: Recyclingorientierte Entwicklung technischer  Produkte 2000, Fellbach: 2000

Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Product Improvements, Product Re-designs and Product Innovations - Opportunities and Challenges. Pp 1-8, In: Proceedings of the conference euroEnvironment 2000, Aalborg (Denmark), 18.-20.10.2000

Schmidt, W.-P.; Matthew, C.; Heffels, R.; Kortüm, D.; Thomanek, R.; Rebitzer, G.: Non Stop Use. Pp 122-125 In: ATZ / MTZ Special Journal October 2000, Vieweg, Wiesbaden. 2000

Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment/Recycling at Ford Motor Co.. In: Plastics and composites in the automotive sector and ELV-recycling. Pp 1-5. FABRIMETAL (ed.), Brussels: 21.June 2000

Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrated Product Policy. In: International Journal of LCA 5 (2), pp 73-74, Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2000)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Vorgehensweise bei der Bewertung der ökologischen Eigenschaften über den Lebensweg nach euroMat, pp 298-303. In: Eco-Design - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.

Schmidt, W.-P.: Beispiel Bodengruppe von Hybridfahrzeugen, pp119-123. In: EcoDesign - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.

Kloepffer, W.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Volkwein, S.: Modul Umwelt, pp 88-99, In: Eco-Design -Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.

Rebitzer, G; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Grundprinzipien und Gesamtmethode, In: EcoDesign - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat, pp 4-15, Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000

Schmidt, W.-P.: Werkstoffauswahl für Automobilteile. In: Nutzen von Ökobilanzen, ed. 85/1999, GDMB, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1999.

Schmidt, W.-P.: Einsatz von Software-Tools für Ökobilanzen und Design for Environment in der Praxis. In: Managementsymposium Produktion und Umwelt. Proceedings, Stuttgart. 28. Juni 1999.

Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: Environmental considerations on battery-housing recovery. In: International Journal of LCA 4 (2), pp 107 - 112. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1999)

Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: LCA on 3rd Conference SAE Conference on Total Life Cle in Graz, Styria, Austria - December 1st to 3rd, 1998. In: International Journal of LCA 4 (2), pp 121 - 122. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (1999) 

Beyer, H.-M.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Öko-Training "Design for Environment". In: Q-magazin, 1, S. 22-23. (1999)

Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: Life Cycle Study on a Natural Fibre Reinforced Component. S. 251-258, Proceedings of the Total Life Cycle Conference of SAE in Graz, Dec 1-3 1998.

Adams, W; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Recycling and Design for Environment:Use of Life Cycle Assessment at Ford Motor Co. In: EURO ENVIRONMENT proceedings. Conference 23-25 September 1998, pp. 1-5, Aalborg (Denmark)

Beyer, H.-M.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Vereinfachte Ökobilanzen (Streamlined-/Screening-LCA) -Ein Konzept für interne Anwendungen. S. 77-85. In: UTECH Berlin ´98, 17.-20.2.98

Schmidt, W.-P.: Ökologische Grenzkosten der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Dissertation, TU Berlin, 1997

TU Berlin (Projektleitung), TU Cottbus, C.A.U Gmbh (Dreieich), IKV (Aachen), IPT (Aachen), ICT (Pfinztal): Systematische Auswahlkriterien für die Entwicklung von Verbundwerkstoffen unter Beachtung ökologischer Erfordernisse. Report to BMBF 1997

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Ecological valuation of recycling processes. In: Proceedings Erstes Freiberger Europa-Seminar “Resources for Tomorrow - Materials Recycling”. S. 13-23, Freiberg, 2.-5. Dez. 1997

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Requirements to save resources by recycling. In: Proceedings of Tokyo Symposium on Recycling and Treatment of Metals (S. 105-115), 10-11.Dec.1997

Schmidt, W.-P.: Vereinfachungen. S. 9-15. in: van den Berg, N.; Weidenhaupt, A. und Beck, A. (Mitarb.); Hellweg, St. (Mitarb.): Simplifying LCA: Just a Cut? - Nachbereitung des 4. Diskussionsfourms Ökobilanzen vom 20. Mai 1997 an der ETH Zürich (Hrsg.). Zürich: 1997 

Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: - euroMat´97 - Tool for Environmental Life Cycle Design and Life Cycle Costing. S. 57-67. In: Seliger, G.; Krause, F.-L. (ed.): CIRP Life Cycle Networks. London: Chapmann&Hall, 1997

Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Zukunftsweisende Werkstoffauswahl mit euroMat. In: Korrespondenz Abwasser 44 (1997), Nr. 6, S. 1082-1087

de Beaufort-Langeveld, A; van den Berg, A.; Christiansen, K. (Ed.); Haydock, R; ten Houten, M; Kotaji, S.; Oerlemans, E.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Stranddorf, H. K.; Weidenhaupt, A.; White, P. R.: Simplifying LCA: Just a Cut? - Final report of SETAC EUROPE (Hrsg.) LCA Screening and Streamlining Working Group. Brussels: May 1997

Grisel, L.; de Beaufort, A., Wrisberg, N., Coelho-Schwitz, V.; Glavind, M.; van Dam, A.; Carlson, R.; Schmidt, A.; Schmidt, W.-P.; van den Berg, N.; Meyer, U.; Bretz, R.; Pajula, T.; Mc Keown, P.; Hochfeld, Ch.; Kreissig, J.: Databases and Software00. LCANET Theme report. Paris: March 1997

Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Materials Selection Tool for Innovative Eco-Products. pp. 271-275, in: Eco-Efficient Concepts for the Electronics Industry Towards Sustainability, Proceedings of the Care Innovation ´96, Frankfurt a. M. 18.-20.11.96. London: Technology Publishing Limited 1997

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Iterative Screening LCA in an Eco-design tool. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2 (1997), no. 1, p. 20-24

Schmidt, W.-P.; Fleischer, G.: High recycling rates = high reduction of environmental burdens? In: R´97 Congress Proceedings, 4.-7. February 1997 in Geneva, Vol. II, pp. II.137-II.142

Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Criteria for the Development of Environmental Conscious and Recyclable Materials. In: R´97 Congress Proceedings, 4.-7. in, Vol. II, pp. II.228-II.233. Geneva: February 1997

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmentally Conscious (Composite) Materials - EcoDesign Workshop at the Technical University Berlin, Berlin May 15, 1996. In: International Journal of LCA 1 (3), p 180. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1996)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Eco-Design Method using an Iterative Top-Down Approach: Iterative Screening LCA. In: LCAnews 6 (1996), no 5 1996

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Voraussetzung zur Bestimmung des ökologisch optimalen Altpapieranteils mittels Ökobilanz: Nutzengleichheit. In: Das Papier 49, Nr. 6, S. 344- 347, (1995)

Schmidt, W.-P.: Development, Application, Improvement and Validification of a Screening method of LCA. Presentation at the Sixth SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 1996. 22. May 1996, Taormina (Italy)

Fleischer, G., Schmidt, W.-P.: Functional unit for systems using natural raw materials, In: International Journal of LCA 1 (1), pp 23 - 26. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1996).

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Ökologische Bilanzierung. S. 389-420, in: RecyclingHandbuch. Hrsg.: Werner Nickel, Düsseldorf: VDI Verl., 1996

Schmidt, W.-P.; Ackermann, R.; Fleischer, G.: Iterative Screening Life Cycle Assessment for corrugates roof fibre cement profile sheets, In: Proceedings of the SETAC Case Study Symposium, 28.11.1995 Brüssel

Schmidt, W.-P.; Ackermann, R., Fleischer, G.: Screening LCA for escorting the development of products. In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on LCA. Taragona (Spain), 12/13. September 1995

Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: "Life cycle assessment". In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry", 6. edition, volume 8, p. 585-600. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, 1995

TU Berlin (Projektleitung); TU Cottbus, C.A.U Gmbh (Dreieich); IKV (Aachen); IPT (Aachen); ICT (Pfinztal): Systematische Auswahlkriterien für die Entwicklung von Verbundwerkstoffen unter Beachtung ökologischer Erfordernisse. Report to BMBF. Berlin: TU Berlin, 1995

Nachhaltigkeitsstudium an der CBS