Bachelor Vollzeit Englisch
Bachelor Dual Management
Bachelor Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Prep4University Programm
Master Vollzeit Englisch
Master Berufsbegleitend Englisch
Master Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Master Dual Management & Technik
Double Degree Master
Campus Köln
Campus Mainz
Bachelor Vollzeit Englisch
Bachelor Vollzeit Deutsch
Bachelor Dual Management
Bachelor Dual Technik
Bachelor Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Prep4University Programm
Master Vollzeit Englisch
Master Vollzeit Deutsch
Master Berufsbegleitend Englisch
Master Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Master Dual Management & Technik
Double Degree Master
Campus Köln
Campus Mainz
Stiftungsprofessur Technisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Sustainable Marketing & CSR Kommunikation
Smart City
Normative und Strategische Unternehmensführung
Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen (2025)
Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung (2026)
Kundenbezogene Prozesse
Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen (LCA, S-LCA, LCC)
Integrierte Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien in Unternehmen
Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung und Transformation
Integrative Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten
Nachhaltigkeitsgesetzgebung und -compliance
Studium Technischer Umweltschutz, Technische Universität Berlin. Abschluss
Dipl-Ing 1,0
Promotion am Fachbereich Systemumwelttechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fleischer der
TU-Berlin. Abschluss Dr.-Ing.
Promotionsthema: „Ökologische Grenzkosten der Kreislaufwirtschaft“ Abschluss
„Mit Auszeichnung bestanden“
U Berlin: Life Cycle Costing
RMIT (Melbourne), Assistant Professor: Design for Environment
HAW Hamburg: Vehicle Recycling
Verschiedene Positionen in der Automobilindustrie, 26 Jahre bei den FordWerken, die letzten 10 Jahre als leitender Angestellter in der Position des
europäischen Direktors „Sustainability, Advanced Regulations & Product
Schmidt, W.-P.: Solutions for sustainability challenges – Technical Sustainability Management
and Life Cycle Thinking. Springer Nature (~230 pages, in production, September 2024)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Vertrauen verdienen. In: Verantwortung, No. 2, pp 54-57, FAZ Institute (2019)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Unterwegs zu nachhaltiger Mobilität, in: Corporate Responsibility 2015, ACC Frankfurt p 82-85
Schmidt W.P., Wallington T.J. (2014) Towards Sustainable Individual Mobility: Challenges and Solutions. In: Wellnitz J., Subic A., Trufin R. (eds) Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer, Cham, pp 161-168
Schmidt, W.-P.: Towards a sustainable vehicle development. In: Joerg Wellnitz, Aleksandar Subic, Martin Leary (Ed.): Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2010. Springer: Heidelberg 2010 pp 3-8
Schmidt, W.-P.; Morel, S.; Ruhland, K.; Krinke, S; Künne, B.: Feasibility of a globally harmonised Environmentally Friendly Vehicle concept. Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 53,
Nos. 1/2, 2010
Schmidt, W.-P.: Schmidt, W. (2008), "Developing a Product Sustainability Index", in Measuring Sustainable Production, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Schmidt, W.-P.; Taylor, A.: Sustainable management of vehicle design. In: Int. J. Vehicle
Design, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2008, pp 143-155 DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2008.017179
Dose, J.; Alonso, J. C.; Fleischer, G.; Rodrigo, J.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Greif, A.; Geragthy, K.: Electrical and Electronic Components in the Automotive Sector: Economic and Environmental Assessment. 12 LCA (5) 328-335. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2007)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index – Learnings for SCP indicators. Presentation. Third International Expert UN Meeting on the 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) for Sustainable Consumption and Production,
Stockholm 26 – 29 June 2007, Sweden, 2007
Schmidt, W.-P.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index. OECD Sustainable Manufacturing Production and Competitiveness Workshop - Copenhagen (21-22
June 2007, 2007
Schmidt, W.-P.: The Business Case for Sustainable Design and Manufacture – Concept to Recycling. Workshop 29th – 30th of November 2006 at RMIT University, Melbourne
Schmidt, W.-P.: Managing Sustainable Product Development. Pp 133-139 in: M. Charter (Ed.), A Tukker (Ed.): Sustainable Consumption and Production – Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the Launch Conference of the SCORE Network. Refereed
Session I; 23rd – 24th of November 2006, Wuppertal.
Alber, S., Alonso, J.C. Eikelenberg, N., gleischer, G., Greif, A., Larranaga, M., Malaina, M., Poxhofer, R., Robson, A., Rodrigo, J., Sánchez, J. C., Schmidt, W.-P.: Workshop Session: SEES - Sustainable Electrical and Electronical System for the Automotive Sector. Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2006, International Symposium, Vienna, 13-16. November, 2006
Alonso, J. C., Eikelenberg, N., Fleischer, G., Greif, A., Larranaga, M., Poxhofer, R., Sánchez Lozano, J. C., Schmidt, W.-P.: Recycling and Design for Environment for Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems. Vehicle Recycling, International Conference, Munich, 18-19 October, 2006
Schmidt, W.-P.; Butt, F.: Life Cycle Tools within Ford of Europe's Product Sustainability Index. Case Study Ford S-MAX & Ford Galaxy. In: International Journal of LCA 11 (5), pp 315 - 322. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2006)
Schmidt, W.-P.; Taylor, A.: Ford of Europe’s Product Sustainability Index. In: Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Leuven May 31st – June 2nd, pp 5 - 10. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: 2006
Greif, A.; Dose, J.; Fleischer, G.; Alonso, J.C.; Eikelenberg, N.; Maas, H.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Eco-Design of Automotive Electrical and Electronic System – The SEES Project. In: Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Leuven May 31st – June 2nd, pp 293-298. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: 2006
Ciroth, A.; Steen, B.; Trescher, Ch.; Hunkeler, D. (ed), Günther, E.; Spindler, E.; Huppes, G.; Hoppe, H.; James, K.; Lichtenvort, K. (ed.), Rebitzer, G. (ed.), Rüdenauer, I.; Nakamura, S.; Seuring, S.; Swarr, T.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Life Cycle Costing. (accepted for publication) Brussels: SETAC Europe, 2006.
Kriegl, M.; Poxhofer, R.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Alonso, J.C.: Sustainable Electrical & Electronic System for the Automotive Sector – Dismantling Manuals for EES (SEES Public Deliverable D8). Public Research Report. Berlin: 2005.
Hunkeler, D.; Saur, K.; Rebitzer, G; Finkbeiner, M.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Jensen, A. A.; Stranddorf, H.; Christiansen, K. (all editors): Life Cycle Management. 104 pp. Brussels: SETAC Europe, 2004.
Rebitzer, G.; Ciroth, A.; Hunkeler, D.; James, K.; Lichtenvort, K.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Seuring, S: Economic Aspects in Life Cycle Management. In: Jensen, A.A. (ed.); Remmen, A. (ed.): Background Report for a UNEP Guide to Life Cycle Management –A bridge to sustainable products, pp 74-80. UNEP Life Cycle Initiative. Paris: UNEP, 2004.
Schmidt, W.-P.; Dahlqvist, E.; Finkbeiner, M.; Krinke, S.; Lazzari, S.; Oschmann, D.; Pichon, S.; Thiel, Ch.: Life Cycle Assessment of Lightweight and End-of-Life Scenarios for Generic Compact Class Passenger Vehicles. In: International Journal of LCA 9 (6), pp 405 – 416. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2004)
Rebitzer, G.; Ekvall, T.; Frischknecht, R.; Hunkeler, D.; Norris, G.; Rydberg, T.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Suh, S.; Weidema, B. P.; Pennington, D. W.: Life Cycle Assessment – Part 1: Framework, Goal & Scope Definition, Inventory Analysis, and Applications. Environment International, Vol. 30 (2004), Issue 5, pp. 701-721. Elsevier: (2004)
Alonso, J.C.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Fontanilles, J.: Recyclability Improvement of the Vehicle Electrical & Electronic System (F2004V026). FISITA 2004.- World Automotive Congress, 23-27 May, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
Finkbeiner, M.; Krinke, S.; Oschmann, D.; Saeglitz, T.; Schäper, S.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Schnell, R.: Data Collection Format for Life Cycle Assessment of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). In: International Journal of LCA 8 (6), pp 379-381. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Life Cycle Costing as Part of Design for Environment – Environmental Business Cases. In: International Journal of LCA 8 (3), pp 167-174. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)
Quella, F.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development. The new ISO TR 14062. In: International Journal of LCA 8 (2), Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)
Rebitzer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment in the Automotive Sector with the Materials Selection Tool euroMat In: Gate to EHS: Life Cycle Management – Design for Environment, March 17th , 2003 pp 1-4. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)
Quella, F.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development. The new ISO TR 14062 – Part 2: Contents and Practical Solutions. In: Gate to EHS: Life Cycle Management – Design for Environment pp 1-7. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2003)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Ein klassisch vernetztes System, pp 32 – 33. In: Der Architekt. 11/02. Bonn: Rudolf Müller (2002)
Schmidt, W.-P.; Duranceau, Claudia; Sullivan, John: Sustainable Materials in Automotive Applications. Proceedings of the 2002 Environmental Sustainability Conference and Exhibition, SAE 2001-01-3762, pp 393 – 398, 2002
Schmidt, W.-P.; Sullivan, J.: The Value Debate: Weighting of Life Cycle Assessments in a Global Context: Global Diversity exists and has to be valued. International Journal of LCA 7 (4), p 250. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2002)
Schmidt, W.-P.; Sullivan, John: Weighting in Life Cycle Assessments in a Global Context. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7 (1), pp 5 – 10. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2002)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Strategies for Environmentally Sustainable Products and Services. In: Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 118-125 (2001)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Life Cycle Chain Management. In: LCM 2001 Copenhagen abstract book on the 1st international conference on LCM August 27-29, pp 97-100. Copenhagen 2001
Schmidt, W.-P.: Case 5: Automotive Manufacturer. In: SETAC Working Group LCM: Life Cycle Management – Definitions, Case Studies and Corporate Applications. Preliminary edition. Lausanne August 2001.
Gottselig, B; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment / Recycling in automotive industry. International Workshop on Environmentally Conscious Metal Processing (ICEM-2001) 26th-28th August 2001, Aachen, Germany
Schmidt, W.-P.: Umwelt-Fehlermöglichkeiten- und Einfluss-Analyse. In: DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (Hrsg.) Umweltgerechte Produktentwicklung – Ein Leitfaden für Entwicklung und Konstruktion; S. 1-12. Beuth Verlag: Berlin, Wien Zürich, März 2001
Schmidt, W.-P.; Corley, M.: Ökologie bestimmt das Material. In: Automobil-Produktion, Dezember 2000 (14). S. 74-77, (2000)
Gottselig, B.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Experiences of implementing Design for Recycling - Design for Environment in automotive applications. In: Proceedings of the VDI/EKV Conference 15./16.November 2000: Recyclingorientierte Entwicklung technischer Produkte 2000, Fellbach: 2000
Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmental Product Improvements, Product Re-designs and Product Innovations - Opportunities and Challenges. Pp 1-8, In: Proceedings of the conference euroEnvironment 2000, Aalborg (Denmark), 18.-20.10.2000
Schmidt, W.-P.; Matthew, C.; Heffels, R.; Kortüm, D.; Thomanek, R.; Rebitzer, G.: Non Stop Use. Pp 122-125 In: ATZ / MTZ Special Journal October 2000, Vieweg, Wiesbaden. 2000
Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Environment/Recycling at Ford Motor Co.. In: Plastics and composites in the automotive sector and ELV-recycling. Pp 1-5. FABRIMETAL (ed.), Brussels: 21.June 2000
Schmidt, W.-P.: Integrated Product Policy. In: International Journal of LCA 5 (2), pp 73-74, Landsberg: ecomed publishers (2000)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Vorgehensweise bei der Bewertung der ökologischen Eigenschaften über den Lebensweg nach euroMat, pp 298-303. In: Eco-Design - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.
Schmidt, W.-P.: Beispiel Bodengruppe von Hybridfahrzeugen, pp119-123. In: EcoDesign - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.
Kloepffer, W.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Volkwein, S.: Modul Umwelt, pp 88-99, In: Eco-Design -Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat. Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.
Rebitzer, G; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Grundprinzipien und Gesamtmethode, In: EcoDesign - Effiziente Entwicklung nachhaltiger Produkte mit euroMat, pp 4-15, Editor: G. Fleischer. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000
Schmidt, W.-P.: Werkstoffauswahl für Automobilteile. In: Nutzen von Ökobilanzen, ed. 85/1999, GDMB, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1999.
Schmidt, W.-P.: Einsatz von Software-Tools für Ökobilanzen und Design for Environment in der Praxis. In: Managementsymposium Produktion und Umwelt. Proceedings, Stuttgart. 28. Juni 1999.
Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: Environmental considerations on battery-housing recovery. In: International Journal of LCA 4 (2), pp 107 - 112. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1999)
Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: LCA on 3rd Conference SAE Conference on Total Life Cle in Graz, Styria, Austria - December 1st to 3rd, 1998. In: International Journal of LCA 4 (2), pp 121 - 122. Landsberg: ecomed publishers (1999)
Beyer, H.-M.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Öko-Training "Design for Environment". In: Q-magazin, 1, S. 22-23. (1999)
Schmidt, W.-P.; Beyer, H.-M.: Life Cycle Study on a Natural Fibre Reinforced Component. S. 251-258, Proceedings of the Total Life Cycle Conference of SAE in Graz, Dec 1-3 1998.
Adams, W; Schmidt, W.-P.: Design for Recycling and Design for Environment:Use of Life Cycle Assessment at Ford Motor Co. In: EURO ENVIRONMENT proceedings. Conference 23-25 September 1998, pp. 1-5, Aalborg (Denmark)
Beyer, H.-M.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Vereinfachte Ökobilanzen (Streamlined-/Screening-LCA) -Ein Konzept für interne Anwendungen. S. 77-85. In: UTECH Berlin ´98, 17.-20.2.98
Schmidt, W.-P.: Ökologische Grenzkosten der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Dissertation, TU Berlin, 1997
TU Berlin (Projektleitung), TU Cottbus, C.A.U Gmbh (Dreieich), IKV (Aachen), IPT (Aachen), ICT (Pfinztal): Systematische Auswahlkriterien für die Entwicklung von Verbundwerkstoffen unter Beachtung ökologischer Erfordernisse. Report to BMBF 1997
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Ecological valuation of recycling processes. In: Proceedings Erstes Freiberger Europa-Seminar “Resources for Tomorrow - Materials Recycling”. S. 13-23, Freiberg, 2.-5. Dez. 1997
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Requirements to save resources by recycling. In: Proceedings of Tokyo Symposium on Recycling and Treatment of Metals (S. 105-115), 10-11.Dec.1997
Schmidt, W.-P.: Vereinfachungen. S. 9-15. in: van den Berg, N.; Weidenhaupt, A. und Beck, A. (Mitarb.); Hellweg, St. (Mitarb.): Simplifying LCA: Just a Cut? - Nachbereitung des 4. Diskussionsfourms Ökobilanzen vom 20. Mai 1997 an der ETH Zürich (Hrsg.). Zürich: 1997
Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: - euroMat´97 - Tool for Environmental Life Cycle Design and Life Cycle Costing. S. 57-67. In: Seliger, G.; Krause, F.-L. (ed.): CIRP Life Cycle Networks. London: Chapmann&Hall, 1997
Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Zukunftsweisende Werkstoffauswahl mit euroMat. In: Korrespondenz Abwasser 44 (1997), Nr. 6, S. 1082-1087
de Beaufort-Langeveld, A; van den Berg, A.; Christiansen, K. (Ed.); Haydock, R; ten Houten, M; Kotaji, S.; Oerlemans, E.; Schmidt, W.-P.; Stranddorf, H. K.; Weidenhaupt, A.; White, P. R.: Simplifying LCA: Just a Cut? - Final report of SETAC EUROPE (Hrsg.) LCA Screening and Streamlining Working Group. Brussels: May 1997
Grisel, L.; de Beaufort, A., Wrisberg, N., Coelho-Schwitz, V.; Glavind, M.; van Dam, A.; Carlson, R.; Schmidt, A.; Schmidt, W.-P.; van den Berg, N.; Meyer, U.; Bretz, R.; Pajula, T.; Mc Keown, P.; Hochfeld, Ch.; Kreissig, J.: Databases and Software00. LCANET Theme report. Paris: March 1997
Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Materials Selection Tool for Innovative Eco-Products. pp. 271-275, in: Eco-Efficient Concepts for the Electronics Industry Towards Sustainability, Proceedings of the Care Innovation ´96, Frankfurt a. M. 18.-20.11.96. London: Technology Publishing Limited 1997
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Iterative Screening LCA in an Eco-design tool. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2 (1997), no. 1, p. 20-24
Schmidt, W.-P.; Fleischer, G.: High recycling rates = high reduction of environmental burdens? In: R´97 Congress Proceedings, 4.-7. February 1997 in Geneva, Vol. II, pp. II.137-II.142
Fleischer, G.; Rebitzer, G.; Schiller, U.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Criteria for the Development of Environmental Conscious and Recyclable Materials. In: R´97 Congress Proceedings, 4.-7. in, Vol. II, pp. II.228-II.233. Geneva: February 1997
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Environmentally Conscious (Composite) Materials - EcoDesign Workshop at the Technical University Berlin, Berlin May 15, 1996. In: International Journal of LCA 1 (3), p 180. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1996)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Eco-Design Method using an Iterative Top-Down Approach: Iterative Screening LCA. In: LCAnews 6 (1996), no 5 1996
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Voraussetzung zur Bestimmung des ökologisch optimalen Altpapieranteils mittels Ökobilanz: Nutzengleichheit. In: Das Papier 49, Nr. 6, S. 344- 347, (1995)
Schmidt, W.-P.: Development, Application, Improvement and Validification of a Screening method of LCA. Presentation at the Sixth SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 1996. 22. May 1996, Taormina (Italy)
Fleischer, G., Schmidt, W.-P.: Functional unit for systems using natural raw materials, In: International Journal of LCA 1 (1), pp 23 - 26. Landsberg: ecomed publishers, (1996).
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: Ökologische Bilanzierung. S. 389-420, in: RecyclingHandbuch. Hrsg.: Werner Nickel, Düsseldorf: VDI Verl., 1996
Schmidt, W.-P.; Ackermann, R.; Fleischer, G.: Iterative Screening Life Cycle Assessment for corrugates roof fibre cement profile sheets, In: Proceedings of the SETAC Case Study Symposium, 28.11.1995 Brüssel
Schmidt, W.-P.; Ackermann, R., Fleischer, G.: Screening LCA for escorting the development of products. In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on LCA. Taragona (Spain), 12/13. September 1995
Fleischer, G.; Schmidt, W.-P.: "Life cycle assessment". In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry", 6. edition, volume 8, p. 585-600. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, 1995
TU Berlin (Projektleitung); TU Cottbus, C.A.U Gmbh (Dreieich); IKV (Aachen); IPT (Aachen); ICT (Pfinztal): Systematische Auswahlkriterien für die Entwicklung von Verbundwerkstoffen unter Beachtung ökologischer Erfordernisse. Report to BMBF. Berlin: TU Berlin, 1995