
Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc.)


Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc.)

Drei Disziplinen in einem Studiengang der Wirtschaftspsychologie

Mit einem Master-Abschluss in „Business Psychology and Management“ qualifizierst Du Dich sowohl für hochrangige Managementpositionen in Marketing, Werbung und Strategie sowie in den Bereichen Führung und Personal.

Wie Konsumenten/-innen im Wirtschaftskreislauf oder Mitarbeitende in Change-Prozessen agieren, lässt sich nicht pauschal vorhersehen oder berechnen. Wirtschaftspsychologen/-innen nehmen bei diesen Fragestellungen aufgrund ihrer wissenschaftlich fundierten, interdisziplinären Ausbildung eine wichtige Funktion ein: Erstens besitzt Du die psychologische Expertise, um Mitarbeiter/-innen oder Kunden/-innen positiv zu beeinflussen und zu lenken. Zweitens verfügst Du über ein tiefes betriebswirtschaftliches Verständnis, das Dir hilft, Veränderungsprozesse in der Organisationsstruktur nachhaltig zu gestalten. Drittens weißt Du aufgrund Deines Management-Know-hows interne Umstrukturierungen besonders effizient zu steuern. Wirtschaftspsychologie und Management sind essentiell für ein nachhaltig wachsendes Unternehmen.

Was ist Wirtschaftspsychologie? Definition - Einfach erklärt

Warum solltest Du Wirtschaftspyschology studieren?

Semester Beginn
5.730 €
Alle Fakten im Detail + -
  • Vorlesungssprache Englisch
  • Studienform Vollzeit
  • Abschluss Master of Science
  • Praktikum Integriert
  • Auslandssemester Optional
  • Studienbeginn Winter Köln


Diese Studieninhalte erwarten Dich in den einzelnen Semestern im Masterstudiengang Business Psychology:

Allgemeine wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Inhalte

Business Economics3 ECTS ? !
  • Analysis of demand, supply, and market equilibrium

  • Theory of consumer choice

  • Theory of the firm, production and cost analysis

  • Market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, contestable markets

  • Game theory

  • Pricing strategies

  • Factor markets, labor economics

  • Economics of information

  • Industrial organization

  • Limitations of markets and interventions by the government

  • Econometric techniques related to these topics

Empirical Research Methods3 ECTS ? !
  • Development of a research question

  • Primary vs. secondary data

  • Steps of research process

  • Research designs

  • Quantitative and qualitative data

  • Structured methods of data collection: questionnaire and structured interview

  • Un- and semi-structured methods: qualitative interview and focus group

  • Quantitative and qualitative content analysis

  • Ethical considerations of data collection

  • Sampling

  • Data analysis using statistical software programs (SPSS)

  • Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (crosstab and correlation), multiple linear regression

  • Writing a research report – structural and other formal requirements

Strategic Analysis & Management3 ECTS ? !
  •  Strategy making process and strategic reasoning: cognitive process of strategy 
    creation through the prism of logic and intuition

  • Setting strategic purpose in the context of responsible stakeholder management

  • Advanced external environment analysis: markets, industries and competitive 
    landscapes in static and dynamic perspective in the domestic and international 

  • Diagnosing and managing strategic capability through national borders over time

  • Cultural and institutional context of strategic management: concepts, frameworks 
    and analytical tools

  • Generic and interactive business strategies, inside-out and outside-in perspective on 
    achieving and sustaining competitive advantage internationally

  • Network-level strategies

  • Corporate development and configuration: strategic options and portfolio matrices

  • Strategy formation

  • Strategic change and corporate restructuring

  • Strategic renewal

  • Strategy evaluation and strategic controls: tools and methods

  • Organizing for success

Innovation Management & Digital Transformation3 ECTS ? !
  • Diagnosing the change context: diffusion and dynamics of innovation 

  • Sources & types of innovation

  • Product/service, process & business model innovation

  • Individual and corporate creativity

  • Strategic innovation management & the innovation process incl. New Product Development (NPD)

  • Introduction to digitalization, digital age & digital divide

  • Digital drivers & disruptive forces

  • Technological drivers of digital transformation

  • Socio-technological change associated with the adoption of the mentioned drivers

  • Introduction to the digital organization & digital business models

  • Impact of digitalization on the value chain (Industry 4.0)

  • Digitalization-related innovation theories & technology management

  • Digitalization leadership & organisational transformation concepts

  • Change management & transformational leadership

  • Agility and VUCA world

  • SCRUM and Design Thinking

Programmspezifische Lehrinhalte

General Psychology3 ECTS ? !
  • Foundations of Psychology

  • Perception, Attention, Cognitions, Thinking, Awareness, Ideas, Emotions, Motivation, Memory, Intelligence, Self-concept

  • Memory structures and memory processes

  • Heuristics as a special form of social information processing

  • Overview of business psychology topics

  • Overview of research methods

Psychological Decision Making & Responsibility3 ECTS ? !
  • Conducting psychological interviews

  • Psychological negotiation techniques

  • Crisis and conflict counselling

  • Phases of escalation

  • Phase-specific intervention

  • Decision-based management: managerial decisions from a psychological point of view

Psychological Testing, Assessment & Statistics3 ECTS ? !
  • Methods of data collection

  • Descriptive data analysis: proportions, frequency distributions

  • Correlation tin order to calculate relationships

  • Inferential statistical statements on context and difference hypotheses

  • Differences between groups: t-test and analysis of variance

  • Test procedures for nominal or ordinal scaled data

  • Effect sizes

  • The concept of test strength

Überfachliche Kompetenzen

International Project Management2 ECTS ? !
  • Social competence: Communication, motivation, groups and team structures, leadership, conflict management

  • Methodological competence: Structural aspects, time management, cost management, human resource management, creativity and problem solving

  • Organisational competence: Quality management, documentation, risk management, project start and closure

Language & Communication Skills2 ECTS ? !

The “Scholarly Writing and Analysis” course is offered for German native speakers. German as a foreign language is offered as an obligatory course for Non-native German speakers.

Experimental Research3 ECTS ? !
  • Psychological experimentation as an application of the scientific method

  • Identifying the problem and defining the research question

  • Formulating a testable hypothesis

  • Operationalisation of the dependent and independent variable

  • Planning and conducting an experiment

  • Choosing the right experimental plan (experimental and quasi-experimental)

  • Different experimental designs (e.g. randomized or matched groups; factorial designs; within or between subject designs, …)

Allgemeine wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Inhalte

Corporate Social Responsibility3 ECTS ? !
  • Cornerstones of sustainable management

  • CSR as management approach

  • Practical approaches of organizational effectiveness

  • Tools for CSR implementation

  • CSR and financial performance

  • Life cycle assessment

Corporate Governance3 ECTS ? !
  • Historical developments around the world

  • Directors and board structures in different parts of the world

  • Family business governance

  • Role of institutional investors

  • Corporate governance in mergers and acquisitions

  • Socially responsible investments

  • Corporate governance in different regions

Programmspezifische Lehrinhalte

Advertising Psychology & Sales Management3 ECTS ? !
  • advertising and advertising impact

  • Targets of advertising

  • Information processing of advertising

  • Emotional effects

  • Applying psychology to advertising and marketing

  • Implicit associations and attitudes as well as their measurement

  • Subliminal influencing

  • Intra- and interpersonal influences on attitudes, preferences and behaviour

  • Psychological principles of conscious and unconscious decisions

Market Research & Marketing Psychology3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction to market research in the consumer goods sector

  • Phases and methods of market research and buyer behaviour

  • Selected methods of data acquisition, data preparation and data analysis various types of market research studies

  • Special benefit potential of data scanning for market research and buyer behaviour research

  • Different methods of data scanning acquisition

  • Market research activities

Business Project6 ECTS ? !

The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation, related to the field of their specialization.

By the end of the module students should be able to:

  • Define project goals for the “client”.

  • Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.

  • Cooperate in the international project teams.

  • Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.

  • Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.

  • Formulate recommendations.

Value Based Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Value maximization and corporate objectives, shareholder value and stakeholder value approach

  • Financial measurement of corporate strategies and competitive advantage: the principles

  • Shortcomings of traditional profitability ratios for a value-based management

  • Economic Value Added, Cash Value Added

  • Identifying the drivers of value creation and investment decision-making

  • Management compensation and incentives for value creation

Sustainable Supply Chain Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Defining the state of a sustainable supply chain based on actual trends

  • Discussion of various theoretical concepts (e.g. Stakeholder Theory, Slack Resource Theory) and their implications for sustainable supply chain management

  • Defining a “New Normal” of how to do business (e.g. circular economy, regenerative business models, carbon literacy training)

  • Sustainable Marketing (definition, Green Marketing Strategy Mix, Green Washing and Sustainable Consumer Buying Behaviour)

  • Sustainable Procurement (definition, Sustainable Procurement Process Model with a focus on sustainable supplier relationship management; new trends like circular procurement)

  • Sustainable Logistics

  • Sustainable Design

  • Carbon Emission / Human Rights in global supply chains


Business Elective3 ECTS ? !

A business elective is a business or management-related elective course.By choosing Business Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge.

Überfachliche Kompetenzen

Applied Qualitative Research2 ECTS ? !
  • Differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research

  • Designs of qualitative research

  • Data collection methods

  • Processes of data preparation

  • Data evaluation criteria

Interdisciplinary Elective3 ECTS ? !

By choosing Interdisciplinary Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge. An interdisciplinary elective is an elective from another discipline than your own specialization.

Programmspezifische Lehrinhalte

Work & Organisational Psychology3 ECTS ? !
  • Models of labour practices

  • Work analysis and evaluation

  • Job design

  • Work motivation, satisfaction and performance

  • Complaints management

  • Self-management: definition and techniques

  • Selected examples of work and organisational psychology in professional practice

Human Resource Development & Coaching3 ECTS ? !
  • Performance appraisal

  • Human resources development

  • Needs analysis and various forms of training and personnel development

  • Transfer and evaluation of personnel development measures

  • International posting

  • Employee appraisals and target agreement

  • Customer orientation

  • Social skills

  • Development of coaching

Modern Trends of Applied Business Psychology3 ECTS ? !
  • Aptitude diagnostics and personnel selection

  • Recruiting / recruitainment

  • Shared economy

  • SMART working

  • Talent management

  • Performance management

  • Diversity management

  • Leadership in virtual teams

Business Simulation Game3 ECTS ? !

In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behavior-related actions.

Psychology In Digital Leadership & Agile Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Leadership Theories

  • Theoretical concepts for communication with employees

  • Methods of agile management

  • Technological development effecting leadership

  • Instruments and methods of digital leadership

Venture Lab4 ECTS ? !
  • Discovering and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities

  • Developing business ideas from opportunities (e.g. based on using Design Thinking, Personas and User Stories).

  • Feasibility analysis of business ideas

  • Transferring the idea into a Business Model

  • Business Model and its building blocks (value proposition, customers segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue model, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure)

  • Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline

  • Developing the details of the business plan

  • Finding sources of financing: Business angels; Private equity; Start up financing; Venture capital investors

  • Preparing a pitch deck for successfully presenting the new venture business plan

Integrative Case Studies3 ECTS ? !
  • Focused review of the curriculum content

  • Pre-assessment quiz/ content area assessment as benchmark for students’ status quo

  • Guide and Strategic Plan to Case Study Analysis

  • Writing a proper Case Study Analysis report

  • Developing proper answers to Case questions, applying the relevant theoretical knowledge and frameworks

  • In-depth Case Study Analysis with focus all subject areas of the curriculum

  • In-depth Case Study Analysis with special focus on Strategic Management


Business Elective3 ECTS ? !

A business elective is a business or management-related elective course.By choosing Business Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge.

Überfachliche Kompetenzen

Interdisciplinary Elective3 ECTS ? !

By choosing Interdisciplinary Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge. An interdisciplinary elective is an elective from another discipline than your own specialization.

Applied Quantitative Research2 ECTS ? !
  • Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research

  • Criteria of Measurement Quality (Reliability, Validity, Objectivity)

  • Levels of Measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio)

  • Scales of Measurement (e.g. Likert, Guttman, semantic differential…)

  • The logic of sampling (populations and sampling frames)

  • Obtaining quantitative data (observation studies and survey research)

  • Questionnaire construction and interview techniques

Programmspezifische Lehrinhalte

Master Thesis Tutorial2 ECTS ? !

During the Master Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Master thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.

Master Thesis18 ECTS ? !

During your 4th semester you are working on your Master thesis. You have 19 weeks to complete your thesis and the subject is freely selectable. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well. Or you can write your thesis in connection with a stay abroad.

Internship or Study Abroad10 ECTS ? !

You can choose between an internship (lasting at least seven weeks) or a semester abroad at one of our partner universities.

Lerne die CBS persönlich kennen: Online & vor Ort Infoveranstaltungen

Open Campus Night - Campus Köln
22. Januar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:30
Open Campus Night - Campus Düsseldorf/Neuss
29. Januar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:30
Open Campus Night - Campus Mainz
12. Februar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:30
Open Campus Night - Campus Solingen
19. Februar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Berlin
25. Februar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Hamburg
26. Februar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Hannover
27. Februar 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Rostock
4. März 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Aachen
12. März 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00
Open Campus Night - Campus Rheine
15. März 2025 | 18:00 - 20:30

Werde jetzt zum Experten


Mit dem Master in Business Psychology eine internationale Karriere starten

Unser Master-of-Science-Studienprogramm „Business Psychology and Management“ ist deutschlandweit eines der wenigen, das die fachliche Ausrichtung der Wirtschaftspsychologie englischsprachig anbietet. Es wurde eigens auf die Anforderungen an Führungskräfte in internationalen Unternehmen zugeschnitten: Studierende werden nicht nur fachlich exzellent ausgebildet, sondern qualifizieren sich zudem in den Bereichen Selbst-, Projekt- und Team-Management, internationales Projektmanagement und reflektiertes Führungsverhalten.

Was sind die Studieninhalte eines Business Psychology Masterstudiengangs? Vertiefungsseminare im strategischen Management

In den ersten Semestern beschäftigst Du Dich vorrangig mit Themenschwerpunkten aus dem strategischen Management und internationaler Wirtschaft, die anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele praxisnah vermittelt werden. Dazu zählen Seminare und Vorlesungen wie:

  • Innovation Management and Digital Transformation

  • Strategic Analysis and Management

  • International Economics

  • Applied Management Accounting

Psychologische Fachkompetenz für Wirtschaft und Management

Ab dem zweiten Semester rückt die wirtschaftspsychologische Forschung rund um die Kunden/-innen und das Digitalgeschäft in den Fokus: In Lehrveranstaltungen wie „Advertising Psychology & Sales Management“ oder „Market Research & Marketing Psychology“ erfährst Du, wie Du die Kaufentscheidungsprozesse von Kunden/-innen anhand psychologischer Analysemethoden besser verstehen und positiv beeinflussen kannst. Als weitere Lehrveranstaltungen mit wirtschaftspsychologischem Schwerpunkt erwarten Dich:

  • Psychology in Digital Leadership & Agile Management

  • Work and Organisational Psychology

  • Human Resource Development and Coaching

  • Modern Trends of Applied Business Psychology

Praxisnah und vielfältig: Master in „Business Psychology and Management“

Während Deines Wirtschaftspsychologie Studiums sammelst Du im Rahmen unserer Business Projects, bei denen Du gemeinsam mit Unternehmenspartnern an realen oder realitätsnahen Business Cases arbeitest, sowie in einem achtwöchigen Praktikum im In- und Ausland wichtige Praxiserfahrungen. Auf Wunsch schreibst Du im vierten Semester Deine Master Thesis als Projekt in einem Unternehmen Deiner Wahl.

Das sagen unsere Alumni

Philip Kollmann
Projektmanager Wayne's Coffee

„Besonders die Soft-Skill-Kurse haben mir für mein Auftreten in den Bewerbungsgesprächen sehr geholfen. Durch die Arbeit im Finance and Business Club habe ich ein breites Netzwerk aufgebaut und Projektmanagement-Fähigkeiten erworben, mit denen ich bei den Firmen punkten konnte."

Katrin Rieger
Bereichsdirektorin Reisevertrieb
Deutschland / Vice President Sales
HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung

„Das praxisnahe Lernen in kleinen Gruppen hat mich optimal auf heutige Projekt- und Teamarbeit vorbereitet. Die CBS hat mir die entscheidenden Soft Skills und aktuelles Wissen aus der Praxis vermittelt."

Christopher Rosenbaum
Ernst & Young GmbH

„Das Management Studium bereitet einen sorgfältig auf die Aufgaben eines Beraters vor. "Insbesondere das Fördern von Präsentationstechniken sowie analytischem Denkvermögen ist im Berateralltag von enormer Bedeutung.“

Neil Jordaan
Global Digital Content Manager

„Viele Professoren haben uns im Unterricht an ihrer Branchenerfahrung teilhaben lassen und konnten trockene Theorie mit Praxisbeispielen veranschaulichen. Auch die internationale Atmosphäre am Campus hat mir gut gefallen.“

Lisa Fleischhauer
Technical Business Analyst
Fielmann Ventures GmbH

„Das Studium an der CBS hat einen großen Beitrag zu meiner Persönlichkeitsentwickung geleistet.“

Christian Miele
Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.

„Insbesondere das Rhetoriktraining hat mir sehr geholfen meine eigenen Ideen zu präsentieren. Ebenso ist die praxisbezogene Ausbildung an der CBS sehr gut!“

Hauke Grün
Global Group Director

„Das Studium an der CBS hat mich in vielerlei Hinsicht auf meine Karriere bei einer der weltweit führenden Media-Agenturen vorbereitet.“

Sandra Dreier
Partner im Bereich Financial Accounting & Advisory Services
EY (Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfgesellschaft

„Besonders gefallen hat mir die Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis, die Internationalität, die kleinen Lerngruppen sowie die vielen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Lehrplans.“

Stefanie Zipp
Deutsche Bahn AG

„Durch das Masterstudium an der CBS konnte ich mein fachliches Wissen weiterentwickeln und mich perfekt auf den Berufseinstieg vorbereiten. Vor allem konnte ich aus den praxisbezogenen Inhalten sehr viel mitnehmen.“

Christian Knott
Capnamic Ventures Management GmbH

„Viele Kontakte aus dem Studium sind für mich heute noch relevante Ansprechpartner für die verschiedensten Themen. Hier schon an der Uni zu lernen, welchen Mehrwert das Netzwerk haben kann, war wichtig.“

Tim Becker
Manager Automotive & Sustainability
Porsche Consulting GmbH

„Mir haben besonders der persönliche Charakter des Studiums und die gute Atmosphäre gefallen, die insbesondere durch die Kursgröße und die Nähe zu den Dozenten erreicht wurden.“

Erfahre mehr über unsere Masterstudiengänge in Deinem kostenlosen Infomaterial

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Marc Spitz

Marc Spitz

Beratung: Campus Köln
Du hast Fragen? Wir sind gerne für Dich da!

Telefon: 0800 931 8099
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Mirjam Zimmermann

Mirjam Zimmermann

Beratung: Campus Mainz
Du hast Fragen? Wir sind gerne für Dich da!

Telefon: 0800 931 8099
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Lidia Gusev

Lidia Gusev

Beratung: Campus Berlin
Du hast Fragen? Wir sind gerne für Dich da!

Telefon: 0800 931 8099
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