Campus & Student Life

Study Abroad & Exchange Students

Exchange Students: Your semester abroad at CBS International Business School in Germany

Are you looking forward to your stay abroad as an exchange student at CBS in Germany? Do you still have a lot of unanswered questions? The CBS International Office will support you during your exciting start in a new country and in a new city.

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Exchange and Study Abroad Students: Globally Connected

CBS International Business School currently has about 160 partner universities worldwide and welcomes international students either through its exchange programmes or as study abroad students. CBS has been part of the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission since 2010 and has signed around 85 cooperation agreements within this framework.

Admission requirements for exchange students

Bachelor students

  • Completion of at least one academic year (two semesters) of business-, management- or economics-related studies 

  • Enrollment at a state-recognized university

  • Proof of English language proficiency (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 83 iBT, certified B2 level of English, proof of English-taught study programme)

Master students

  • Enrollment in a business-, management-, or economics-related master’s degree at a state-recognized university

  • Proof of English language proficiency (IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL 92 iBT, certified B2 level of English, proof of English-taught study programme)

Learn about the general requirements to study in Germany - 9 Steps to Study in Germany

What can you study at CBS in Germany?

Bachelor Programmes 

Bachelor students can choose one of our certificate programmes

  • European Business Management (short-term options available)

  • Business Psychology

  • IB - International Trade

  • IB - Marketing Management

  • IB - Financial Management

  • IB - Management Consulting

  • Business Models and AI

By completing 30 ECTS (5 modules), students can now gain a Business Studies Certificate (additionally to the regular transcript of records)!

It is still possible to take 18 ECTS (3 modules) or 24 ECTS (4 modules). In this case, students receive the regular study abroad transcript of records.

Master Programmes

Master students have to decide for a specific programme and level/semester of studies and are not able to combine modules from different programmes or levels.

Overview Master Programmes

Application procedure

Students from international partner universities must be nominated by their home institution before starting the CBS application process.

If you want to join us as a free mover, please apply here.

Please make sure to upload the following documents:

  • Passport-sized photo (jpg)

  • Proof of English language proficiency

  • Passport (photo page)

  • Most recent transcript of records (in English)

Please note that we recommend early applications due to a restricted number of places.

Application Dates 

Fall Semester: 01 June

Spring Semester: 01 November


Bachelor: 7.290€ / semester

Master: 7.920€ / semester

If your home institution has an exchange agreement with CBS, no tuition fees apply. In this case, please contact the International Office at your home institution for more information. 


Prepare for your semester abroad at CBS in Germany

How to prepare for your semester abroad at CBS?

Studying in a foreign country as an exchange student is a great chance to broaden your horizon, immerse yourself in a foreign culture, meet people from other cultural backgrounds and study foreign languages. Especially for those who haven´t lived abroad before, coming to Germany to live and study is a great adventure! Good preparation is key.

Visa regulations

Once you have received your letter of acceptance, you can apply for a student visa. We strongly recommend starting the visa process as soon as possible, as it can take a while. You should allow for at least 2 months. If you are an EU citizen, you do not need to apply for a visa before your departure.

Please be aware that you may not enter Germany on a tourist visa!

On the following websites you will find more detailed and up-to-date information on all visa issues:

German Federal Foreign Offices

German Federal Foreign Office: Visa regulations


It is a good idea to start looking for accommodation as early as possible. You can choose between different forms of accommodation, ranging from student dormitories to single apartments or shared flats.
Rents in all big cities in Germany are comparatively high. However, monthly living expenses can vary immensely depending on your lifestyle.

CBS offers student dorms close to the campus in Cologne. As availability is limited, please make sure to sign up for one as soon as you receive your letter of acceptance.

Should you require assistance with your search for accommodation, please contact us at Our experienced colleagues are happy to answer your questions and assist you in your hunt for the right residence.

Health insurance

All students in Germany must provide proof of health insurance before they begin their studies. We may only enroll you at CBS if you can prove that you have sufficient health insurance coverage. Also, you will have to prove this at the immigration office when you apply for a residence permit with your student visa!

You can choose whether you prefer to get health insurance in your home country that includes coverage abroad, or whether you would like to get health insurance from a company in Germany. Often, insurance companies offer limited services and coverage when you are abroad. If you decide to get health insurance in your home country, be aware of the conditions that apply while abroad. Also, find out whether your health insurance will be recognized in Germany. If not (for instance, because reimbursements in cases of claims are too low), you will have to take out another insurance policy.

We recommend that you take out a German healthcare insurance policy because this will make the process of receiving medical treatment much easier. With your German health insurance card, you will not have to pay for medical treatment, whereas with an international healthcare insurance policy, you will have to pay for medical treatment and then apply for reimbursement afterward.

Learn more about health insurance in Germany for international students


You can open a bank account with any savings bank. When opening a bank account in Germany you need to bring your passport, your student card, and your registration certificate with the City of Cologne.

Exchange Students: Arriving in Germany

When you first come to Germany, there are some things that you will have to take care of: matriculate at CBS, register with the City administration, apply for a residence permit, etc.

Your Introduction Week at CBS in Germany

During the introduction week, we will assist you with all the bureaucratic steps and answer all of your questions. You will attend info sessions and fun activities, participate in placement tests and explore the campus in Cologne. Participation in the introduction week is mandatory for all new students at CBS!

Events for International Students

Get ready to discover Cologne and its surroundings with us! Every semester, we create a special iCBS! program for all international students. You can join different events such as country nights, excursions, company visits and other fun activities. For detailed information about upcoming events, please follow us on Instagram.

Do you have any questions?

The team at the CBS International Office is happy to assist you with all questions around studying abroad at CBS and planning your stay in Germany.