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Bachelor's Degree in International Digital Business Management

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IB – Digital Management (B.A.) Bachelor's Degree in Germany


What is digital business management? And why should you study it?

Digital change does not only confront companies with the challenge to technically restructure processes and business procedures, but also to actively involve their employees during the entire change process. This requires managers to have special skills that go beyond the technical and methodological knowledge of business management. In the specialisation "Digital Management" in the Bachelor programme "International Business" you will acquire important specialist knowledge and skills in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of companies through digital strategies and to develop new digital business models. In addition to a basic understanding of digital technologies and their resource-conserving use in companies, students learn methods and techniques of innovation and change management. The specialisation "Digital Management" enables graduates to design digital transformation processes in international companies in business management.

What do you learn in a digital business management course? International Business Administration and Information Technology

As student of the Bachelor specialisation "Digital Management" you will learn to view the specifics of the digital economy from theoretical, strategic and technological perspectives. You will deal with starting points for digital organisation, digital products and processes and develop new business models with the help of techniques for developing ideas, visions and prototypes. An introduction to digital marketing will also give you a basic understanding of how products or services are marketed online using digital technologies.

  • ECTS 180
  • Semester 6
  • Language English
  • Type of Study Full-time
  • Degree Bachelor of Arts
  • Campus Cologne
  • Internship Integrated
  • Semester Abroad Integrated
  • Start of Studies Summer Cologne
  • Study Fee* 5.550 €

Study Course Plan

Some information about the study plan for the study programme Bachelors in Digital Business Management:

General business teaching units

Business Operations3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction: Basic business, economic, and market principles and key terms

  • External Business Environment

  • Global Markets

  • Competitive Environment

  • Internal Environment

  • Management, Leadership & Motivation

  • Business Function: HR, Operations, Marketing, Finance & Accounting

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Business Ethics and CSR

  • Emerging Business Trends

Business Law3 ECTS ? !
  • Survey on different legal systems and the harmonizing effect of EU Law

  • Concluding a contract

  • Different types of contracts and their typical features

  • Performance and obligations

  • Solving problems (e.g. failure to perform, liabilities)

  • Safeguarding creditors’ rights

  • Forms of business organizations

Mathematics3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction to functions, graphs and interpretations

  • Understanding Derivatives

  • Applications of Derivatives

  • Understanding Differential Equations

  • Applications of Differential Equations

  • Understanding Logarithms

  • Applications of Logarithms

Statistics3 ECTS ? !
  • Introducing data and statistics

  • Descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis

  • Introduction to probability theory

  • Discrete and continuous probability distributions

  • Sampling and sampling distributions

  • Interval estimations

  • Hypothesis development and testing

  • Simple linear regressions

Financial Accounting3 ECTS ? !
  • The purpose of accounting

  • Formal rules and assumptions, national law, IFRS, US-GAAP

  • The system of financial statements and accounts

  • Accounting for services and merchandising

  • Inventory valuation

  • Receivables

  • Plant, natural and intangible assets

  • Liabilities

  • Owner’s equity of corporations

  • Value-added tax

Applied Financial Accounting3 ECTS ? !
  • The purpose of accounting

  • Formal rules and assumptions, national law, IFRS, US-GAAP

  • The system of financial statements and accounts

  • Accounting for services and merchandising

  • Inventory valuation

  • Receivables

  • Plant, natural and intangible assets

  • Liabilities

  • Owner’s equity of corporations

  • Value-added tax

Programme specific teaching units

Marketing3 ECTS ? !
  • Marketing Definition and Process

  • Marketing in Context of Corporate Strategies

  • Internal Analysis and Marketing Environment (Micro)

  • Marketing Environment (Macro)

  • Consumer Buying Behaviour

  • Market Segmentation

  • Strategic Brand Management

  • Marketing Instruments (Product, Price Place, Promotion)

  • Marketing and Sustainability

Human Resource Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Recruitment and Attraction

  • HR Planning, Controlling & Instruments

  • Training and Employee Development

  • Motivation and Leadership

  • Compensation and Benefits

  • Performance Appraisal and Management

  • Certificate of employment

  • HR Ethics

  • Trends in HRM

Interdisciplinary competencies

Foreign Language2 ECTS ? !

Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English­-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.

Academic Business English2 ECTS ? !

This course aims to solidify the students’ existing language competencies as independent users of English and to enable them to apply this to their studies, focusing on educational and business domains. Students will learn the skills and process of critical thinking and analysis and how to express and elaborate their thoughts, opinions, and arguments. Students will have gained an understanding of complex language and writing skills to organize and develop their ideas in a scholarly way.

Personal Skills2 ECTS ? !

In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.

General business teaching units

Microeconomics3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction into microeconomic models

  • Consumer theory

  • The theory of the firm

  • Competitive markets

  • Market failure

  • Market power and monopoly

  • Oligopoly and monopolistic competition

  • Externalities

  • Asymmetric information

  • Introduction to game theory

Applied Microeconomics3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction into microeconomic models

  • Consumer theory

  • The theory of the firm

  • Competitive markets

  • Market failure:

  • Market power and monopoly

  • Oligopoly and monopolistic competition

  • Externalities

  • Asymmetric information

  • Introduction to game theory

Market Research3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction to Market Research

  • Defining the marketing research problem and developing an approach

  • Research design

  • Secondary Data

  • Qualitative research

  • Quantitative research

  • Scaling and sampling

  • Fieldwork and Data preparation

  • Basic data analysis (how to use it)

  • Report preparation and presentation

Cost Accounting3 ECTS ? !
  • Rationales of cost accounting

  • Simplistic methods of overhead allocation

  • Job costing

  • Process costing

  • Activity-based costing

  • Overcapacity costing

  • Joint product costing

  • Overhead analysis sheet

  • Concepts of relevant cost and revenue

  • Budgeting

Programme specific teaching units

Supply Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Industrial Buying Behaviour

  • New perception of supply management

  • The procurement marketing process

  • Situation Analysis: Defining critical supply problems, potentials, targets and strategies

  • Need Analysis: Defining the demand

  • Evaluating and Selecting Supply Markets

  • Supplier Evaluation: Find the ‘right supplier’

  • Supplier Relationship Management: Importance of supplier collaborations

  • Supplier Negotiation Process: Strategies and tools

  • Green procurement: Describing a sustainable procurement model

  • Creating a basis for sustainable procurement and integrating sustainable measures into procurement processes

  • Sustainable supplier management: Key theories and practices

Strategic Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Introduction to Strategy and Strategic Management

  • External Analysis: understanding opportunities and threats the environment offers

  • Internal Analysis: uncovering strengths and weaknesses of the organization

  • Generic business-level strategies for competitive advantage

  • Basic Corporate-level strategic choices for long-term profitability

  • Diversification strategy

  • Internationalization

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Strategic entrepreneurship

  • Strategic leadership

  • Social Responsibility and Ethics of Strategic Management

  • Basics of Corporate Governance

Introduction to Finance6 ECTS ? !
  • Finance: Goals, Functions and Environment

  • Financial analysis and Financial Forecasting

  • Managing Working Capital

  • Sources of Short-Term Financing

  • Capital Markets and Investment Banking

  • External financing resources: Debt capital

  • External financing resources: Equity capital

  • Capital Budgeting: The Time Value of Money

  • Capital structure and the Cost of Capital

Interdisciplinary competencies

Academic Business English2 ECTS ? !

This course aims to solidify the students’ existing language competencies as independent users of English and to enable them to apply this to their studies, focusing on educational and business domains. Students will learn the skills and process of critical thinking and analysis and how to express and elaborate their thoughts, opinions, and arguments. Students will have gained an understanding of complex language and writing skills to organize and develop their ideas in a scholarly way.

Foreign Language2 ECTS ? !

Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English­-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.

Personal Skills2 ECTS ? !

In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.

General business teaching units

Macroeconomics3 ECTS ? !
  • Indicators: Gross Domestic Product and its major components, Inflation

  • Labour Markets and unemployment

  • The classical AS-AD model

  • Keynes’ IS-LM Model

  • The basic RBC model

  • Monetary Policy

  • Fiscal Policy

Applied Macroeconomics3 ECTS ? !
  • Indicators: Gross Domestic Product and its major components, Inflation

  • Labour Markets and unemployment

  • The classical AS-AD model

  • Keynes’ IS-LM Model

  • The basic RBC model

  • Monetary Policy

  • Fiscal Policy

Programme specific teaching units

International Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Determinants & dimensions of culture in business

  • Culture & styles of management

  • Culture & corporate structures

  • Culture & leadership

  • Culture & corporate strategy

  • Cultural change in organisations

  • Culture and international marketing management

  • Cultural diversity in organisations

  • Business communication across culture & barriers to intercultural communication

  • Working with international teams

  • Conflicts & cultural differences

  • Developing intercultural communicative competence

Digital Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Global competition and the transnational corporation in the global economy

  • Emerging markets

  • Institutions governing competition

  • Formal and informal institutions

  • Organizational designs for multinational companies

  • Location-based aspects: Competitive advantages of countries

  • Organization, local adaptation and the need for standardization

  • New approaches in International Management (Born Global, QRC, …)

  • Networks and innovation

  • Managing people in multinational enterprises

  • Managing expatriates

  • Leadership and management behaviour in multinational companies

Integrative Case Study3 ECTS ? !
  • Guide and Strategic Plan to Case study analysis

  • Writing a proper case study analysis report

  • In-depth Case Study Analysis with focus on Financial Management

  • Solving of interdisciplinary case studies with a focus on digital management

Elective area

Digital Business Models3 ECTS ? !
  • Business model versus digital business model: definitions

  • Differentiation: business model versus revenue model

  • Phases of digital business model development: ideation, vision development, proof

  • of concept

  • Techniques of business model development, e.g. business model canvas

  • Types of digital business models

  • The Internet of Things, the Internet of Humans, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented

  • Reality and Virtual Reality, 3D Print, and the semantic Web as drivers for digital

  • business model innovation

  • Digitalization of value chains and ecosystems

  • Data Economy and data driven business models

Digital Work Environment & Leadership3 ECTS ? !
  • Leadership vs. Management in the digital era

  • Leadership theories: an overview

  • Organizational culture in times of digitalization

  • Digital innovation and transformation

  • Organisational ambidexterity

  • Workplace 4.0

  • Flexible work models

  • Virtual organization

  • Digital leadership and HRM tools

  • Trust building in a digital context

  • Virtual teams

  • Online leadership

  • Intercultural aspects of digital leadership

  • Socially responsible leadership in a digital context

Agile Project Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Kanban, Scrum and Waterfall methods – difference and history

  • What Kanban is and how it developed from Toyota operations to here

  • Scrum — why it was developed

  • The agile manifest

  • Project success: value-based vs cost-based project approaches

  • Agile methods – usefulness for Lean Start-ups

  • Roles and responsibilities in agile projects

  • Team structure, setup and building in agile methods

  • Potential opposition against agile methods in organizations

  • Methods for measuring project progress in agile methods

  • Software for agile methods (Trello / GitHub)

  • Plan and setup a concrete project in Kanban with GitHub or Trello

  • Measuring the performance in agile projects

  • Case application of agile methods

Interdisciplinary competencies

Foreign Language4 ECTS ? !

Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English­-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.

Personal Skills2 ECTS ? !

In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.

General business teaching units

Management Information Systems3 ECTS ? !
  • IT and MIS as enablers of strategic decision making

  • E-business, networks, and mobile technology

  • Infrastructure, hardware and software

  • Databases and data warehouses

  • Business Intelligence

  • Networks and communications

  • Operations management and supply chain management

  • Enterprise resource planning

  • Limitations and risks of IT systems and applications

  • MIS market trends, major providers and IT solutions.

  • The role of social media in business

  • Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things

Programme specific teaching units

Corporate Tax3 ECTS ? !

The overall aim of this module is to introduce students to the basic concepts of corporate taxation, especially the different types of taxes, transparent and intransparent entities and the value added tax.

Elective area

Business Elective 13 ECTS ? !

These courses aim to enable the students to develop and/or strengthen relevant skills that are of particular interest to them. Electives allow students to expand their knowledge. The following are examples of the types of courses on offer. Typically you have the choice between two or three different electives.

  • International Marketing

  • International Human Resource Management

  • Organisational Behaviour

  • Global Supply Chain Management

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Diversity in Business

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • International Accounting

  • Advanced Statistics

  • Design Thinking

  • Quantitative Social Media Research

  • SAP as Enterprise Resource Planning Software

  • Snack Content

  • Harvesting and analyzing social media data for business purposes

  • Industry 4.0

Business Elective 23 ECTS ? !

These courses aim to enable the students to develop and/or strengthen relevant skills that are of particular interest to them. Electives allow students to expand their knowledge. The following are examples of the types of courses on offer. Typically you have the choice between two or three different electives.

  • International Marketing

  • International Human Resource Management

  • Organisational Behaviour

  • Global Supply Chain Management

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Diversity in Business

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • International Accounting

  • Advanced Statistics

  • Design Thinking

  • Quantitative Social Media Research

  • SAP as Enterprise Resource Planning Software

  • Snack Content

  • Harvesting and analyzing social media data for business purposes

  • Industry 4.0

Business Project6 ECTS ? !

The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation (real or scenario-based), related to the field of their specialization. By the end of the module students should be able to:

  • Define project goals for the “client”.

  • Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.

  • Cooperate in the international project teams.

  • Plan and conduct secondary and primary research to gather necessary information: understand which information is needed and where to look for it.

  • Conduct analysis of the “client business”: be able to understand the researched information in a wider context.

  • Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.

  • Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.

  • Formulate recommendations

Data Science3 ECTS ? !
  • Data Literacy

  • Data as raw material

  • Introduction to data science programming languages (e.g. R, Python)

  • Data pre-processing and data manipulation

  • Data visualization

  • Big data

  • Data Economy

  • Ethical & legal aspects of data economy

  • Principle of free movement of data

Coding & Design3 ECTS ? !
  • Apply the use of an editor

  • Comprehend compilers, transpilers, interpreters

  • Explain the function of browsers, the Internet, servers and data access

  • Organize the workflow

  • Evaluate tools

  • Produce a workspace setup

  • Learn a programming language (e.g. JavaScript, Python or R)

  • Understand data interfaces and APIs

  • Formulate tests and carry out testing

  • Integrate the documentation of code

  • Apply versioning

Interdisciplinary competencies

Foreign Language4 ECTS ? !

Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English­-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.

Personal Skills2 ECTS ? !

In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.

Semester Abroad

Semester Abroad25 ECTS ? !

You will spend the fifth semester at one of our numerous partner universities abroad. Our International Office supports you in the selection & application process and coordinates the courses to be taken abroad with you in advance.

Programme specific teaching units

Bachelor Thesis12 ECTS ? !

During your 6th semester you are working on your Bachelor thesis. You have 12 weeks to complete your thesis and the subject is freely selectible. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well.

Bachelor Thesis Tutorial1 ECTS ? !

During the Bachelor Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Bachelor thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.

Business Simulation Game4 ECTS ? !

In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behaviour-related actions.

Elective area

Digital Supply Chain & Smart Factory3 ECTS ? !

The module introduces the OODA process model (Observe, Orient, Decide, und Act). This model allows to analyze how digitalization technologies can be used to support and analyze the provision and exchange of data, automation processes, human machine interaction, machine to machine interaction, and the use of data in all stages of the supply chain (procurement, design, production, logistics), in order to secure competitiveness. The following technologies and challenges are discussed based on theoretic al models, practical applications, and practice reports:

  • Holistics concepts and cyber-physical supply chain systems

  • Robotics

  • Internet of Things

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Advanced / Individualized Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

  • Machine-to-machine communication – Development of industrial standards

  • Migration of existing technologies

  • Additive Manufacturing

  • Drafts, presentation techniques, and Rapid Prototyping

  • 360-degree visualizations, 3D print, and Virtual Reality

  • Digital integration of suppliers, service providers, and customers

  • Risk and security management and human factors along the digital supply chain

Digital Start-Up Management3 ECTS ? !
  • Concepts of entrepreneurship and start-ups

  • Strategy development and Lean Start-up planning

  • Business Model Canvas and its building blocks (value proposition, customer segments, hannels, customer relationships, revenue model, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure)

  • Feasibility analysis and hypotheses testing for digital business models

  • Digital marketing strategies and customer development (customer acquisition, retention, and recovery)

Interdisciplinary competencies

Personal Skills2 ECTS ? !

In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.

#Tryoutstudies - Trial Lectures
Online Information Session Bachelor's

Practical experience, soft & intercultural skills trainings prepare you for the job market

Several practical phases are integrated into the curriculum so that you can optimally prepare yourself for the job market and get to know various aspects of different industries during your studies. For example, you will complete an eight-week internship during your lecture-free period and work on complex issues in a joint business project with corporate partners. Our Business Simulation Game also offers you the chance to apply your knowledge in practice. Our Career Service supports you in finding an exciting internship in Germany or abroad with a renowned company!

In addition, our soft skills courses teach you how to lead teams and communicate effectively with your fellow students at all levels of the hierarchy. Whether in a job interview or at an important final presentation - a confident appearance is the sum of your experience and targeted training in which you can improve your skills. with convincing charisma and rhetoric, you will always be successful in your working life.

In addition to these practical insights, you will strengthen your intercultural skills during your semester abroad. As CBS has a large network of partner universities, you can spend your semester abroad at one of over 120 universities all over the world. The International Office staff will assist you with your choice and the whole application process.

Digital Business Management career path - What are the job opportunities? 

Digital competence is in demand in almost all companies and industries worldwide, which promises digital managers best chances on the job market. Whether as an executive in a company or as an independent consultant - the practical training and career opportunities offered by Career Service during your studies will help you to find the working environment that suits you best at an early stage. With a bachelor’s degree, you also acquire the admission requirements for a master’s degree.

What are you waiting for?

This is What Our Students Say

Philip Kollmann
Project Manager
Wayne´s Coffee

"Especially the soft skill courses have been of great help for my performance in job interviews. Through my work in the Finance and Business Club I have built up a broad network and acquired project management skills that have enabled me to score points with companies."

Katrin Rieger
Bereichsdirektorin Reisevertrieb Deutschland / Vice President Sales
HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung

"The practical learning in small groups prepared me optimally for today's project and team work. The CBS provided me with the decisive soft skills and current knowledge from the world of business."

Christopher Rosenbaum
Ernst & Young GmbH

"The Management Studies programme prepares you thoroughly for the tasks of a consultant. In particular, the development of presentation techniques as well as analytical thinking is of enormous importance in the everyday life of a consultant."

Oliver Kiderle
EMEA Regional Product Expert
Google Inc.

"The focus on internationality and practical skills have had a very positive influence on my development at Google. Especially the structured and very versatile project work, which is often found at a private school, was extremely helpful."

Kalle Kenkel
Commercial Excellence Manager
GE Healthcare

"My studies at CBS prepared me for a career in today's dynamic, global work environment. As one's origin and physical location become less and less decisive, it has become increasingly important to have a multinational network and adapt quickly to various cultures and environments."

Neil Jordaan
Global Digital Content Manager

"Many professors shared their professional business experience with us in class and were able to illustrate dry theory with practical examples. I also enjoyed the international atmosphere on campus."

Patrick Stein
Head of Human Resources
Boston Consulting Group

"The strongly practice-oriented studies and the international orientation of the CBS, as well as the lectures held in English, were an absolutely necessary basis for starting a career with a renowned, international company."







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Would you like to learn more about our Bachelor's and Master's programmes at home in peace? Download the CBS brochure for an in-depth look at our business study programmes.  

We hope that you enjoy getting to know more about our school, study programmes and what we stand for. Follow us on Instagram & Facebook, get to know us at one of our Information Events, or Contact our student advisors to get more info.

Mirjam Zimmermann

Mirjam Zimmermann

Study advisory: Campus Mainz
Got any questions? We are happy to help!

Phone: +49 (0) 6131 88055 31
WhatsApp: Reach us on WhatsApp
Giulia Balzan

Giulia Balzan

Study advisory 
Got any questions? We are happy to help!

Phone: +49 (0) 221 931809 31
WhatsApp: Reach us on WhatsApp
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