Prep4University Preparatory Course
Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Campus Cologne
Campus Mainz
Campus Berlin/Potsdam
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International Office
Prep4University Preparatory Course
Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Campus Cologne
Campus Mainz
Campus Berlin/Potsdam
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
Professor of Business Psychology
German Courses:
Wertorientierte Führung und Employee Relationship-Management (ERM)
Psychologie im Digital Business
Neue Entwicklungen der Wirtschaftspsychologie
English Courses:
Social Psychology and the Workplace
Modern Trends in Applied Business Psychology
Human Resource Development and Coaching
Psychology in Digital Leadership & Agile Management
Psychology in Digital Business
Media Psychology
Neuropsychology and Biological Psychology
Tutorial Bachelor Thesis
Personnel assessment and selection; personnel development (psychometric testing, assessment/development centers, analyses of potential, competency models etc.)
Performance management (with focus on the conceptualisation and measurement of performance
Coaching and training (topics include leadership, creativity/innovation (with focus on design thinking), interviewing techniques)
Research methods (with focus on quantitative methods)
Systematic literature review and evidence-based management
Leadership (e.g., academic leadership)
Intercultural studies
Funded research projects:
2016 - 2018
3-year project “Life stage transitions across cultures (AcrossLife)” in cooperation with Chilean colleagues; Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; UK) & Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT; Chile) (funding of approx. 315.575€)
2014 - 2015
Project “Development and evaluation of an effectiveness coaching intervention for new academic leaders” in cooperation with a UK colleague; Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK) (gefördert mit ca. 13.144€)
Certified as Assessment Specialist („Eignungsdiagnostikerin“) according to DIN 33430 (License E)
Since 2016:
Certified as Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA) (Associate between 2011-2016)
Since 2014
Certified as Academic Associate, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) (UK)
PhD, University of Surrey (UK)
Since 2013
Certified as Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society (UK)
MSc Occupational & Organisational Psychology, University of Surrey (UK)
Since 2007
(Psychometric) Test User: Occupational, Ability; Personality (awarded by the Psychological Testing Centre), British Psychological Society (UK)
B.A. Psychology, Universität Erfurt (DE)
Since 01/2021
Professor of Business Psychology, CBS International Business School (DE)
09/2012 - 11/2018
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Human Resource Management, University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)
09/2009 - 08/2012
Graduate teaching assistant in Psychology and Business/Management departments, University of Surrey (UK)
Since 01/2021
Self-employed project partner Human Resources, ITB Consulting (Bonn, DE)
03/2018 - 12/2020
Senior Consultant Human Resources, ITB Consulting (Bonn, DE)
06/2011 - 02/2018
Self-employed Business Psychology consultant
08/2007 - 07/2012
Research psychologist, Saville Assessment (Towers Watson) (UK)
Reviewer positions for scientific journals
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
International Journal of Management Reviews
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Journal
Journal of Personnel Psychology
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
International Association of Coaching Research Community
Formerly an active member:
Academy of Management
Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology
British Academy of Management
British Psychological Society
Academic journals, book chapters & magazines:
Grajfoner, D., Rojon, C., & Eshraghian, F. (2022). Academic leaders: In-role perceptions and developmental approaches. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, xxx, 1-28.
Rojon, C., Okupe, A., & McDowall, A. (2021). Utilisation and development of systematic reviews in management research: What do we know and where do we go from here? International Journal of Management Reviews, 23(2), 191-223.
Rojon, C., Bode, N., & McDowall, A. (2020). What clients want: A conjoint analysis of precursors to coach selection. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 18(1), 73-87.
Rojon, C. (2020). Arbeitsleistung: Was ist das eigentlich und wie kann man sie erfassen? In S. Schiffner-Backhaus & K. Holländer (Eds.), HR entdecken – Karrierepfade in der weiten Welt der Human Resources (S. 65-79). Bonn, DE: ITB Consulting.
Lehmann, J., Rojon, C., & Schiffner-Backhaus, S. (2020). Der Wandel zündet. Personalwirtschaft, 1, 20-22.
Mocca, E., Rojon, C., & Hernandez, J. (2019). Great expectations? A systematic review of the relationship between school-to-higher education transition and social mobility. Sociological Spectrum, 39(4), 264-280.
Rojon, C., McDowall, A., & Saunders, M. N. K. (2019). A novel use of Honey’s aggregation approach to the analysis of repertory grids. Field Methods, 31(2), 150-166.
Héliot, Y., Gleibs, I. H., Coyle, A., Rousseau, D. M. & Rojon, C. (2019). Religious identity in the workplace: A systematic review, research agenda, and practical implications. Human Resource Management, 59(2), 153-173.
Rojon, C. (2018). On the path to enlightenment? Reviewing the literature systematically – or not. In K. Townsend & M. N. K. Saunders (Eds.), How to keep your research project on track: Insights from when things go wrong (S. 20-27). Cheltenham, GB: Edward Elgar.
Rojon, C. & Hernandez, J. (2017). Informing education and social reform: Improving social mobility. Impact, 2017, 48-50.
Rojon, C., Saunders, M. N. K., & McDowall, A. (2016). Using qualitative repertory grid interviews to gather shared perspectives in a sequential mixed methods research design. In
K. Townsend & R. Loudoun (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research methods on HRM: Innovative techniques (S. 163-178). Cheltenham, GB: Edward Elgar.
Rojon, C. (2016). Pioneers of Occupational Psychology in the UK: An interview series. OP Matters, 29, 57-59.
McDowall, A., & Rojon, C. (2016, Januar). The enigma of testing. The Psychologist, 28(1), 44-45.
Rojon, C. & Saunders, M. N. K. (2015). Dealing with reviewers’ comments in the publication process. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 8(2), 169-180.
Rojon, C. (2015). Evidence-based practice: Isn’t it evident? OP Matters, 26, 15-18.
Rojon, C., McDowall, A. & Saunders, M. N. K. (2015). The relationships between traditional selection assessments and workplace performance criteria specificity: A comparative meta-analysis. Human Performance, 28(1), 1-25.
Rojon, C. & McDowall, A. (2015). Using systematic review methodology to examine the extant literature. In M. N. K. Saunders & P. Tosey (Eds.), Handbook of research methods on human resource development (S. 62-76). Cheltenham, GB: Edward Elgar.
Rojon, C. (2015). Case 12: Predicting work performance (Fallstudie). In M. N. K. Saunders, P. Lewis, & A. Thornhill (Eds.), Research methods for business students (7th ed., S. 559-561). Harlow, GB: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Kowalski, T. & Rojon, C. (2014). Industrial-Organizational Psychologists in Business Schools: Insights from a UK Perspective. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 7(3), 370-377.
Saunders, M. N. K. & Rojon, C. (2014). There’s no madness in my method: Explaining how your research findings are built on firm foundations. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 7(1), 74-83.
Rojon, C. (2012). Case 3: Individual workplace performance – systematically reviewed (Fallstudie). In M. N. K. Saunders, P. Lewis & A. Thornhill (Eds.), Research methods for business students (6th ed., S. 119-122). Harlow, GB: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Rojon, C. & Saunders, M. N. K. (2012). Formulating a convincing rationale for a research study. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 5(1), 1-7.
Rojon, C., McDowall, A. & Saunders, M. N. K. (2011). On the experience of conducting a systematic review in Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology: Yes, it is worthwhile. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10(3), 133-138.
Saunders, M. N. K. & Rojon, C. (2011). On the attributes of a critical literature review. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 4(2), 156-162.
Rojon, C. & McDowall, A. (2010). Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) assessment questionnaire in cross-cultural coaching: A cross-validation with Wave Focus Styles. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 8(2), 1-26.
Kurz, R. Saville, P., MacIver, R., Parry, G., Mitchener, A. Oxley, H., Small, C., Herridge, K., Hopton, T., Gohil, S., Chan, S., Tonks, K., & Rojon, C. (2009). The structure of work effectiveness as measured through the Saville Consulting Wave® Performance 360 ‘B-A-G’ model of behaviour, ability and global performance. Assessment & Development Matters, 1(1), 15-18.
Conferences of the last few years:
Rojon, C. & Mocca, E. (2017, August/September). Great expectations? A systematic review of the transitions between education and the workplace. Präsentation im Rahmen der 13. Konferenz der European Sociological Association, Athen, Griechenland.
Hernandez, J., Moya, E., Dueñas, G., Rojon, C., & Mocca, E. (2017, Juni/Juli). Transitions across life: Towards a multilevel model of the transitions between education and the workplace based on the case of four countries. Präsentation im Rahmen der 29. Konferenz der Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Lyon, Frankreich.
Rojon, C., Hernandez, J., & Mocca, E. (2017, Mai). Enablers and barriers of entrance into higher education and the labour market: A systematic review. Präsentation im Rahmen des 18. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Dublin, Irland.
Grajfoner, D. & Rojon, C. (2017, Mai). Exploring academic leadership: Definition and development. Präsentation im Rahmen des Symposiums ‘Leadership development in context: Developing leaders for a purpose’ des 18. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Dublin, Irland.
McDowall, A. & Rojon, C. (2017, Januar). The history of Occupational Psychology: Practice and research perceptions and insights for the future. Präsentation im Rahmen der Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Liverpool, GB.
Rojon, C. & Soltys, M. (2016, Juli). Leading ethically in banking: A framework for developing ethical leaders and ethical leadership. Präsentation im Rahmen des 31. International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Rojon, C., McDowall, A., & Saunders, M. N. K. (2016, Juni). A systematic review of individual workplace performance: Critical reflections on the extant evidence base. Präsentation im Rahmen der 10. Konferenz der Performance Measurement Association, Edinburgh, GB.
Rojon, C., McDowall, A., & Saunders, M. N. K. (2015, August). Individual workplace performance re-examined: Introducing a new behavioral framework. Präsentation im Rahmen des 75. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Kanada.
Rojon, C., Saunders, M. N. K., & McDowall, A. (2015, August). Aggregative analysis of repertory grid interviews to examine shared understanding? Präsentation im Rahmen des Symposiums ‘Innovations in qualitative methods for organizational behaviour and human resources management’ beim 75. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Kanada.
Rojon, C. & Grajfoner, D. (2015, Mai). The effectiveness of a coaching smartphone application to develop academic leaders. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen des 17. European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Oslo, Norwegen.
McDowall, A. & Rojon, C. (2015, Mai). Are we forgetting the candidate? Considering the user perspective in psychometric assessment. Präsentation im Rahmen des Symposiums ‘Putting the test taker in the picture: Designing test feedback and reports’ beim 17. European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Oslo, Norwegen.
Grajfoner, D. & Rojon, C. (2015, Januar). Developing academic leaders via a coaching app. Präsentation im Rahmen der Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Glasgow, GB.
Videos & further publications:
Rojon, C. (2016). Pioneers of occupational psychology in the UK: An interview series. British Psychological Society Media Centre. Abrufbar auf YouTube:
International Association of Coaching (2012, Juni). Cross-cultural coaching: An interview with coaching researcher, Céline Rojon. Voice: Expanding the Path to Coaching Mastery, 4(72). Abrufbar auf: